Alexander Petukhov


Born in Moscow. In 1985 he completed his studies at the Moscow Choreographic College and joined the Bolshoi Ballet Company, where eventually he became one of the best dancers for character- grotesque parts. In 1994 he graduated from the ballet-master department of the Choreographic Institute (now the Institute and the College are merged into the Moscow Choreographic Academy).

Born in Moscow. In 1985 he completed his studies at the Moscow Choreographic College and joined the Bolshoi Ballet Company, where eventually he became one of the best dancers for character- grotesque parts. In 1994 he graduated from the ballet-master department of the Choreographic Institute (now the Institute and the College are merged into the Moscow Choreographic Academy).



Conrad (Love for Love. Music by Tikhon Khrennikov. Vera Boccadoro production. Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing adaptation to the ballet)


Khlestakov (Sketches by A. Schnittke, choreography by A. Petrov)


Grapelet (Cipollino. Music by Karen Khachaturyan. Genrikh Mayorov production)


Russian doll (Nutcracker by P. Tchaikovsky, choreography by Y. Grigorovich)
Mozart (Mozart and Salieri, to music by W.I. Mozart and A. Salieri, choreography by V. Bokkadoro)


Saracen dance (Raimonda. Music by A. Glazunov, choreography Marius Petipa in the version by Y.Grigorovich)


Moor, Petrushka (Petrushka, by I. Stravinsky choreography by M. Fokine)
Dance with a drum, Magedaveya (La Bayadère by L. Minkus. Choreography by M. Petipa, Yuri Grigorovich production)


Jester (Swan Lake by P. Tchaikovsky. Choreography by A. Gorsky, Marius Petipa, Lev Ivanov, A. Messerer in Y. Grigorovich version)
Pan (Walpurgis Night scene in Faust by C. Gounod. Choreography by L. Lavrovsky)


Godfather Pumpkin (Cipollino)
Gladiator (A. Khachaturian’s Spartacus, choreography by Yuri Grigorovich)
Puss-in-Boots (The Sleeping Beauty by P.Tchaikovsky, choreography by M. Petipa, Y. Grigorovich version)
Jester (A Legend of Love. Music by Arif Melikov. choreography by Yuri Grigorovich)


Horseman (Polovtsian Dances in Prince Igor by A. Borodin, choreography by K. Goleizovsky)
Variety show compere (The Golden Age. Music by Dmitry Shostakovich, choreography by Yuri Grigorovich)
Modest Alexeevich (Anyuta to music of V. Gavrilin, choreography by V. Vassiliev)
Hunchback (Stone Flower by by S. Prokofiev, choreography by Y. Grigorovich,
Sancho Panza (Don Quixote by L. Minkus, choreography by Marius Petipa, Alexander Gorsky in a version by Y. Grigorovich)


Mercutio (Romeo and Juliet by S. Prokofiev, choreography by Y. Grigorovich)
Cipollino (Cipollino)


Mercutio (Romeo and Juliet by S. Prokofiev, choreography by L. Lavrovsky)
Gurn (Herman Levenskiold’s La Sylphide; choreography by August Bournonville in a version by E. M. Rosen)
Neapolitan dance (Swan Lake in a version by V. Vasiliev) — creator of the role


Friends to Prince (Swan Lake)
Evil Fairy Carabosse (The Sleeping Beauty)
Hilarion — (Giselle by A. Adam; choreography by Jean Coralli, Jules Perrot, Marius Petipa in the version by V. Vasiliev) — creator of the role


Hans (Giselle; in the version by Yuri Grigorovich)
Signor Tomato (Cipollino)


Tsar (Rodion Shchedrin’s The Humpbacked Horse; choreography by Nikolai Androsov)


Black slave (Cesare Pugni’s La Fille du Pharaon; Pierre Lacotte production after Marius Petipa) — creator of the role


Widow Simone (La Fille mal gardée by L. Hérold, choreography by F. Ashton) — creator of the role in Russia


Gavrilych, Tractor Driver (The Bright Stream. Music by Dmitry Shostakovich. Alexei Ratmansky production)
Tybalt, Friar Laurence (Romeo and Juliet. Music by S. Prokofiev. Declan Donnelan and Radu Poklitary production)


Old Dacha Dweller (The Bright Stream)
Doctor (Ward # 6 to music by Arvo Part; Radu Poklitaru creation)


Kozelkov (The Bolt by D. Shostakovich, choreography by A.Ratmansky)
Corregidor (Le tricorne by Manuel de Falla, choreography by Leonide Massine) — creator of the role in Russia


Eunuchs (Le Corsaire by A. Adam. Production and new choreography by Alexei Ratmansky and Yuri Burlaka after Marius Petipa) — was among the creators of this ballet


Old musician (Herman Levenskiold’s La Sylphide; choreography by August Bournonville in a version by Johan Kobborg)
Gaspard (Boris Asfiev’s The Flames of Paris. Production and new choreography by Alexei Ratmansky after Vasily Vainonen)


Camusot (Illusions perdues. Music by Leonid Desyatnikov, choreography by Alexei Ratmansky) — creator of the role


Pyotr Leontyevich (Anyuta)

In 2002 he took part in the Rudolph Nureyev International Festival of Ballet in Kazan, where he danced Modest Alexeevich in Anyuta and the title role in Shurale by F. Yrullin.

He was the first to dance the part of the Gypsy Camp Host in Matador to music by Manuel de Falla, produciton by M. Lavrovsky (2001).

In 2008 he danced Sancho Panza in Don Quixot with the ballet troupe of the Tatar Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre n.a. Musa Dzhalil, Kazan, under the auspices of the Rudolph Nureyev International Festival of Classical Ballet.

His career as a choreographer

Alexander Petukhov staged the ballet Insomnia by music by S. Zhukov (1999, on the 200th anniversary of A. Pushkin’s birthday) and a ballet scene in the opera Adriana Lecouvreur by F. Cilea (2002). He was V. Vasiliev’s assistant in the production of such ballets as Swan Lake (1996) and Giselle (1997). He also assisted A. Ratmansky while he worked on the production of The Bright Stream, and worked with D. Donnellan and R. Poklitaru when staging Romeo and Juliet (both projects in 2003).

He assisted Sergey Bobrov (together with Nina Semizorova and Yuliana Malkhasyants) when he was staging The Sleeping Beauty at the Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater (2003).

He staged Boléro to music by M. Ravel at the Moscow State academic Musical Theater for Children n.a. N. Sats (2004).

He regularly acts as a choreographer in drama theaters’ projects.

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