var shedAll={ "04.03.2025":"1","05.03.2025":"1","06.03.2025":"1","08.03.2025":"1","09.03.2025":"1","11.03.2025":"1","12.03.2025":"1","13.03.2025":"1","14.03.2025":"1","15.03.2025":"1","16.03.2025":"1","18.03.2025":"1","19.03.2025":"1","20.03.2025":"1","21.03.2025":"1","22.03.2025":"1","23.03.2025":"1","24.03.2025":"1","26.03.2025":"1","27.03.2025":"1","28.03.2025":"1","29.03.2025":"1","30.03.2025":"1","1":"1"} var arrErMain={ "noMail":"Please provide the email address.","noPass":"Please provide your password.","wrongEmail":"Please check the email address. A valid email address is required, e.g.","noSignIN":"Sorry, we can't verify your sign-in information. Try again or complete your reservation without signing in.","mainErrorSignIn":"Please correct or provide more information in each marked section.","noFN":"Please enter the first name.","noLN":"Please enter the last name.","noPhone":"Please provide the best number to reach the primary contact while traveling.","emailUse":"This e-mail address is already in use. Please enter in a different e-mail address or use sign in.","noPay":"Please choose the type of the card you going to use for the payment","noCollect":"Please indicate the name of the person who will collect the tickets","noMatchPass":"Password and password confirmation do not match","noPassC":"Password confirmation required","noRead":"Please read the rules and restrictions, check the box below to acknowledge them, then select a booking option at the bottom of the page.","noOldPass":"No old pass","noNewsPass":"No new pass","noNewsCPass":"No new confirm pass","noDelivery":"Please select delivery type","password_incorrect":"Password incorrect. We have sent you correct password by e-mail to [email].
Please check your mailbox and use the password we sent to you","noDeliveryHotelName":"Please fill in Hotel name or address","noDeliveryCheckDate":"Please fill in Check-in date","noDeliveryApartmentName":"Please fill in Name and telephone of the apartment agency/owner","noDeliveryArrivalDate":"Please fill in Arrival date","noDeliveryShipName":"Please fill in Cruise ship name","noDeliveryShipArrivalDate":"Please fill in Ship arrival date","1":"1"}